Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Today's Question: Is Social Media Making Me Fat?

According to the fitness assessment I had done with my personal trainer (yep, I asked for this "gift" for Christmas), it has to be. Instead of burning calories picking up the phone or walking to a friend's house for a visit, I simply get online, post an update, comment on a photo and send a video link. I log on my laptop instead of logging miles on a pedometer and I'd rather be trekking through my Tweets then trekking through a park.

So, I've made a New Year's resolution and added "personal trainer sessions" to my outlook calendar for three times a week for the next 4 months! Perhaps this will only give me more energy to poke, tweet and message--but it had to be done!

I have to conclude that my obsession with social media is impacting my waistline. I'll keep you updated on my progress...thank goodness for mobile devices.

Happy New Year!

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